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Himanshuu Sheth Photography


A little about me...

Photography was my dad’s hobby which rubbed off onto me. I took to the camera when I was 9yrs old...

Photography kept growing as a hobby right through my college years and it was during my later college days I decided to take it up as a profession. To get formal education I went to Australia to study photography. Earned my Diploma in Scientific Photography from TAFE in 3 years. I decided to go backpacking around the globe and since I was in Perth and had explored a lot of the west coast, I started by traveling to the east coast, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, and Adelaide. After Australia, I went to Indonesia, Malaysia, Bali and briefly touched India before taking off to the UK, Canada, USA, Mexico and finally ended up in Africa. In all these countries I did a lot of road travel, often hitchhiking, finding like-minded travelers sharing vehicles to reach a common destination. All these travels helped me 

observe and experience different cultures, people, traits, and how they had all adapted or reacted to their natural habitat to establish their current state which is created over generations. I finally exhausted all my funds and returned to Mumbai. 

Started my commercial career in this busy vibrant megapolis and have established myself here. I now do assignments for varied clients specializing in fashion, product, lifestyle, food, jewelry, hotels, interior architecture and industrial photography.

I hope you enjoy what you see & if you wish to hire my services feel free to get in touch.

Mumbai - India  I  +91-9833137912  I

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